Ignite(6th bi-weekly Global Innovation Meetup) on 27th July 7 AM IST / July 26th June 6:30 PM PST Register

  • Our mission: Fueling the ambitions of young entrepreneurs.

  • "Vision: Envisioning a future where every young entrepreneur’s dreams flourish into impactful ventures."

  • "Values:Innovation, Resilience, Collaboration, Empathy, Impact."

  • "Ignite: Mentorship Program by kyroz.org" Register here

  • "Revolutionizing Innovation , Powered by Global Curiosity Expert"

  • "Revolutionizing Innovation , Powered by Global Curiosity Expert"

    Kyroz.org mission is to build more Young CEOs.
  • "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing."

    - Albert Einstein
  • "I have no special talents, I am only passionately curious.”

    -Albert Einstein
  • "Curiosity is the engine of achievement"

  • Critical thinking and curiosity are the key to creativity.

    - Amala Akkineni (Actress , Animal welfare & environmental activist)
  • "Mark Zuckerberg was just 19 when he founded Facebook"

  • "Bill Gates was 19 when he dropped out of Harvard to create Microsoft."

  • "Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.”

    — Bryant H. McGill
  • “Curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”

    — Walt Disney
  • “Curiosity will conquer fear even more than bravery will.”

    — James Stephens
  • “What is now proved was once only imagined.“

    - William Blake
  • "A dream will not become an innovation if there is no realization.“

    - Ciputra
  • “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.“

    - Thomas Edison
  • “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.”

    - Benjamin Franklin
  • "The great thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in what direction we are moving."

    - Oliver Wendell Holmes
  • "Innovation is creating new value"

    - Diana Kander - Speaker, entrepreneur, author, and consultant
  • "Innovation is creating new value"

    - Diana Kander - Speaker, entrepreneur, author, and consultant
  • "Innovation is creating new value"

    - Diana Kander - Speaker, entrepreneur, author, and consultant

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Kyroz connects innovators with like minded individuals, investors, and potential clients, helping them expand their professional network.


Investors to collaborate with each other, share ideas, and work together on projects.


Innovators create and develop their ideas, providing them with the tools and resources they need to bring their vision to life.


Innovators connect with experienced professionals, providing them with guidance and support to help them achieve their goals.


Embrace challenges, learn, and persist- because you are destined to thrive.

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.

With a dream, determination, and a little drive, you can turn your business aspirations into reality. Don’t let fear deter you from pursuing the path you’ve always dreamed of.

On a mission to build The Youngest Entrepreneurs. Inspired By...



Idea exploration and refinement stage, laying groundwork for further development.


Experimental implementation of design concepts, refining through user testing.


Building and refining the product to meet user needs.


Rigorous evaluation and feedback gathering to ensure quality.


Transition to practical implementation in production environment.


Final deployment of fully developed product or service to the market.

Executive Team

Matthew Murrie
CEO, Kyroz Networks|Global Curiosity Expert | Creator of Curiosity-Based Thinking
Vijay Nallapati
Co-Founder, CTO, Kyroz Networks | Digital Transformation Leader| Strategic Leadership & Innovation | vijay@kyroz.org
Dr.Suresh Babu C
Vice President - Academic relations (India)
Nilesh kumar
CDO, Kyroz Networks | Global CEO Talent Sketchers

Champions of the Change

Shreekrithi Darla
VP-Product, Kyroz Networks 9th Grade | Monta Vista High School, Cupertino, CA
Rushikesh Gupte
VP of Outreach
Nithin Varma Mudunuri
VP- Champions of the Change(Andhra Pradesh)
Ashita Goyal
VP- Champions of the Change(Nepal)
Aryan Das
VP-Ditital Transformation, Kyroz Networks 11th Grade, Westborough High School, Massachusetts USA
Arnav Jain
Aspiring Computer Science student at Texas A&M
Dylan Huang
10th Grade , Taipei American School | VP-Taiwan, Kyroz Networks
Ankit Jha
VP-Engineering, Kyroz Networks, 11th Grade , Clayton Valley Charter High School, CA
Abhiram Pabbathi
VP-Marketing, Kyroz Networks, 11th Grade , Westborough High School, Massachusetts, MA
Viswajha Yadhav
VP-Middle East Opertions, Kyroz Networks


Dr. Mary (Meeker) Alber
Mentor & Advisor|CEO Thrive Towns Inc | Developing Thrive World Ecosystem
Piyush Joshi
Mentor & Advisor|Co-founder & Mentor - Helping Radical Founders build Enduring Startups | Engineer
Govind Gnanakumar
Mentor | Advisor | Co-Founder @ Automorphic.ai
Lourdes Ovando
Advisor|Mentor|Women Techmakers Ambassador | Google Developer Group Organizer
Sean Bovell
Mentor| CEO @ INVIDICA |Doing fun stuff with eCommerce
Rajeeb Dash
Mentor|Advisor|Innovative Marketing Strategy and Planning| Make in India Ambassador
SVET Svitlo
Mentor | Advisor| Angel Investor, Serial Entrepreneur( $100M cap), Author , Lived in 40+ countries, the Founder of Evernomics, Crypto Influencer
Kothandaraman Sikamani
Senior Advisor, Mentor
Ishita Jindal
Mentor, Founder Julep.ai